Thursday, 7 April 2011

The Second Coming?

Many sources in the music world have announced that The Stone Roses, one of the greatest British bands ever to grace the stage, are to reform.

After one 'perfect' album, the band took a little too long in releasing their 2nd album due to record companies and the like.

John Squire, vastly and cruelly underrated, who should be held in the same regard as The Smiths' Johnny Marr, left the band. Without Squire the band were never the same onstage and apparently 'shambolic' performances followed. The band split in 1996, bass player Mani joined Primal Scream and remains a member to the present day. Reni the greatest drummer on the planet (After Neil Mavers of The La's...) disappeared from the limelight and frontman Ian Brown has seemingly forged himself a successful solo career. 

Apparently Squire and Brown have made up and are ready to reform if Reni agrees. If they did, it would be history and the sheer magic and energy surrounding the performances would be nothing short of godlike, despite more than 15 years passing by, and Brown's seemingly terrible live performances, it would be history in the making, one of the moments to cherish. 

Do come back, music needs you.

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